Uncategorized Social Media As a Search Engine

Social Media As a Search Engine

Instagram and TikTok operate as powerful search engines Instagram and TikTok’s search engine relies on data and algorithms to find content that’srelevant to your account and interests. Social platforms like TikTok and Instagram haveoptimized their platforms to be more search friendly using keywords – competing with searchengines like Google. As a business with the correct …

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Uncategorized Customer reviews: why you should always respond

Customer reviews: why you should always respond

Embrace the customer reviews. Yes, even the negative ones. In the age of digital media, there’s pressure to be seen everywhere. Every business with a solid digital marketing strategy knows how important it is to integrate Google My Business, Yelp, and social media. On the contrary, it’s easy to lose sight of the very reason …

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Uncategorized Do you know your marketing objectives?

Do you know your marketing objectives?

Become a pro at understanding marketing objectives to make more informed decisions for your business. Having a well-thought marketing strategy is vital for any business. Technology has dramatically changed the marketing landscape. It can sometimes be hard to discern where to focus your attention and funds with new avenues emerging. Understanding your marketing strategy starts …

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Uncategorized Google Ads Strategy – Strengthen it 3 Ways!

Google Ads Strategy – Strengthen it 3 Ways!

Get better results than ever with these Google Ads Strategy tips Advertise on a platform where there are over 259 million unique visitors, 4.8 billion daily interactions, and over 5 billion search queries a day. There is no denying that you can reach your goals with a strong Google Ad strategy. Optimizing your Google Ads …

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Uncategorized Do you have a TikTok strategy?

Do you have a TikTok strategy?

You’ve heard that “content is king” but do you know why having a TikTok strategy is so important? What are TikToks and Reels? TikToks and Reels are entertaining, immersive videos where you can creatively express your brand story, and educate your audience. Get discovered by more than just your current following utilizing a TikTok strategy …

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Uncategorized Optimizing Google My Business

Optimizing Google My Business

Take advantage of Google My Business and increase your reach and relevancy to potential customers. You could be missing out on one of the most simple ways to optimize your business for local SEO. In the last year, Google has placed increasingly more importance on keeping your Google My Business listing optimized and frequently updated. …

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Uncategorized What is Influencer Marketing?

What is Influencer Marketing?

Our influencer marketing agency can help you utilize a strategy many hotels are missing out on. Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing in which brands cultivate relationshipswith influential individuals. These individuals have a loyal following and will help your hotel drive brand awareness and generate leads. At the same time, working with …

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Uncategorized Google Ads – Triple Your Success!

Google Ads – Triple Your Success!

Google Ads’ new feature Performance Max Campaigns are seeing a higher interaction rate than search or display ads. You likely know about Google Ads, but how in the loop are you? If you’re new to the digital marketing space, Google Ads is an advertising platform run by Google. It’s easy to create ads and target …

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